bip.user package


bip.user.forms module

class bip.user.forms.ChangePasswordForm(*args, **kwargs)

Klasy bazowe: BaseForm

  • formdata – Input data coming from the client, usually request.form or equivalent. Should provide a „multi dict” interface to get a list of values for a given key, such as what Werkzeug, Django, and WebOb provide.

  • obj – Take existing data from attributes on this object matching form field attributes. Only used if formdata is not passed.

  • prefix – If provided, all fields will have their name prefixed with the value. This is for distinguishing multiple forms on a single page. This only affects the HTML name for matching input data, not the Python name for matching existing data.

  • data – Take existing data from keys in this dict matching form field attributes. obj takes precedence if it also has a matching attribute. Only used if formdata is not passed.

  • meta – A dict of attributes to override on this form’s meta instance.

  • extra_filters – A dict mapping field attribute names to lists of extra filter functions to run. Extra filters run after filters passed when creating the field. If the form has filter_<fieldname>, it is the last extra filter.

  • kwargs – Merged with data to allow passing existing data as parameters. Overwrites any duplicate keys in data. Only used if formdata is not passed.

save(user: User)
new_password = <UnboundField(PasswordField, ('nowe hasło',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.InputRequired object>]})>
new_password_repeat = <UnboundField(PasswordField, ('nowe hasło (powtórz)',), {'validators': [<wtforms.validators.InputRequired object>, <wtforms.validators.EqualTo object>]})>
class bip.user.forms.ProfileForm(*args, **kwargs)

Klasy bazowe: ObjectForm

  • formdata – Input data coming from the client, usually request.form or equivalent. Should provide a „multi dict” interface to get a list of values for a given key, such as what Werkzeug, Django, and WebOb provide.

  • obj – Take existing data from attributes on this object matching form field attributes. Only used if formdata is not passed.

  • prefix – If provided, all fields will have their name prefixed with the value. This is for distinguishing multiple forms on a single page. This only affects the HTML name for matching input data, not the Python name for matching existing data.

  • data – Take existing data from keys in this dict matching form field attributes. obj takes precedence if it also has a matching attribute. Only used if formdata is not passed.

  • meta – A dict of attributes to override on this form’s meta instance.

  • extra_filters – A dict mapping field attribute names to lists of extra filter functions to run. Extra filters run after filters passed when creating the field. If the form has filter_<fieldname>, it is the last extra filter.

  • kwargs – Merged with data to allow passing existing data as parameters. Overwrites any duplicate keys in data. Only used if formdata is not passed.

email = <UnboundField(EmailField, ('email',), {'validators': [<bip.utils.forms.EmailValidator object>]})>

bip.user.views module

bip.user.views.password_change() Response
bip.user.views.profile() Response